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Course Details
Basic PHP - OOP - Database and Laravel Framework
এই কোর্সে আমরা Basic PHP, Object Oriented PHP, DBMS, MySql, and Laravel Framework নিয়ে আলোচনা করব ।
Basic PHP
Basic PHP, Variable, String, Constant, Array, Operators, Loop
Use of functions in PHP
PHP ফরম এর GET এবং POST Method এর ব্যবহার
PHP date time, var_dump, include, require, session এর ব্যবহার
কিভাবে PHP তে Image upload করতে হয়
Database Management System
SQL, Create Database and table, Data type, Select, Where, Order by, Limit
SQL দিয়ে Database এ ডাটা Insert, Update এবং Delete করা
SQL Aggregate functions, Order By, Join Query
PHP MySQL Select, Insert, Update, Delete
PHP CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in Bangla
Object Oriented PHP
OOP PHP Class, Object, this keyword, Method, Properties
OOP PHP তে instanceof এবং Constructor
OOP PHP Inheritance, Method Overriding In Bangla
OOP PHP Multilevel Inheritance, Constructor Overriding
PHP Access Modifiers, Constant, Static Methods and Properties Bangla tutorial
OOP PHP Interface and Abstract class Bangla Tutorial
Object Oriented PHP Trait এর ব্যবহার
OOP PHP Namespace, Composer dependency Manager Bangla Tutorial
Laravel Framework
Laravel Install করা এবং Git এর ব্যবহার
Laravel Routes and Model View Controller Architecture
Laravel Model and Database migration এর ব্যবহার
Laravel Routing
Laravel Database Migration
Laravel Database Query Builder
Laravel Eloquent ORM
Eloquent Relationships
Blade Templates for Frontend
Laravel Middleware
HTTP Request and Form Validation
Laravel Session and Logging
Laravel User Authentication
Laravel File Storage
Laravel Project
Project Analysis and Database Design
Laravel Project - Creating Database Migration
Laravel Project - Adding Template, Group Table View, Insert, Delete
Laravel Project - Users table view, Insert, Update, Delete, Collective Form
Laravel Project - Product Category table view, Insert, Update, Delete
Laravel Project - Product View, Insert, Update, Delete
Laravel Project - Authentication, Login, Logout
Laravel Project - User Details, List of Sales, Purchases, Payments, Receipts
Laravel Project - Adding New Payment
Laravel Project - Adding New Receipt
Laravel Project - Add sale Invoice and add item to invoice
Laravel Project - Add receipts for sale invoice
Laravel Project - Add Purchase Invoice and Payment for the Invoice
Laravel Project - Add Products Stock Page
Laravel Project - Add Sales and Purchases Reports
Laravel Project - Add Payments and Receipts Reports
Laravel Project - Adding Card On Dashboard
Laravel Project - Update Products Stock and Invoice Item
Laravel Project - Adding Day Reports
Laravel Project - Add Single User Reports
Al-Mamun Sarkar
Software Engineer
15+ Courses
500+ Lessons
9k+ Student Learned
547+ Reviews
Al-Mamun Sarkar
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Last Update:
Nov 29 , 2017
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