Variable is used to store different types of data. Python is a dynamically typed programming language, so we don't need to define its type for creating a variable.
x = 12
y = 23.34
name= "Jone Doe"
is_local = true
Here we create some variables in different types.
x = 12
name= "Jone Doe"
Some Variable:
varname = "John Doe"
var_name = "John Doe"
_var_name = "John Doe"
varName = "John Doe"
VARNAME = "John Doe"
varname2 = "John Doe"
myVarName = "John Doe" #Camel Case
MyVarName = "John Doe" #Pascal Case
my_var_name = "John Done" #Snake Case
Assign multiple values to multiple variables
x, y, z = 10, 20, 30
Same value to multiple variables:
x = y = z = 100