Redis set is a list of unique values used to store sets data structure in Redis under a key. I this lesson I will show the commands of the Redis sets.
SADD command is used to create a new set or add an item at the set:
SADD key value1 value2 ...
SADD numbers 1 3 4 3
Some Other Commands of Sets:
Commands Description | Syntax | Example |
Adding elements to set | SADD key value1 value2 ... | ADD rolls 9 2 3 4 6 5 6 7 |
Getting all elements of a set | SMEMBERS key | SMEMBERS numbers |
Getting the number of members of a set | SCARD key | SCARD numbers |
Getting difference among multiple sets | SDIFF key1 key2 ... | SDIFF rolls numbers |
Store the difference among multiple sets to a new set | SDIFFSTORE destination key1 key2 .. | SDIFFSTORE diif rolls numbers |
Getting intersect | SINTER key1 key2 ... | SINTER rolls numbers |
Store intersects into another set | SINTERSTORE destination key1 key2 ... | SINTERSTORE commons rolls numbers |
Checking is a value is a member of a set or not | SISMEMBER key member | SISMEMBER numbers 3 |
Transfer a member value from one set to another | SMOVE source destination member | SMOVE rolls numbers 9 |
Remove and get a random number from a set | SPOP key | SPOP numbers |
Getting one or many members from a set | SRANDMEMBER key | SRANDMEMBER numbers |
Remove one or multiple members from a set | SREM key member1 [member2] | SREM rolls 2 3 |
Get the union of multiple sets | SUNION key1 key2 .... | SUNION rolls numbers |
Store union of multiple sets to a set | SUNIONSTORE destination key1 [key2] | SUNIONSTORE all rolls numbers |
Iterate sets | SSCAN key cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count] | SSCAN numbers 0 match * |