Redis List Commands

Redis List Commands

Instructor-svgAl-Mamun Sarkar
Sep 19 , 2020

Redis list is an array of string used to store array data structure in Redis under a key. I this lesson I will show the commands of the Redis list.

LPUSH command is used to create a new list or add an item at beginning of the list:


LPUSH key value ...


LPUSH numbers 1 345 45 234 234


Some Other Commands of List:

Commands Description     Syntax Example
Remove and get first element of a list LPOP key LPOP numbers
Remove and get last element of a list RPOP key RPOP numbers
Get element by index LINDEX key index  LINDEX numbers 1
Adding item to left (beginning) of the list LPUSH key value LPUSH numbers 24
Adding item to right (last) of the list RPUSH key value RPUSH numbers 30
Insert an item before or after another item in list LINSERT key BEFORE|AFTER pivot value LINSERT numbers AFTER 28 100
Get the length of a list LLEN key LLEN numbers
Add item to left only if the list is exists LPUSHX key value LPUSHX numbers 2
Getting value of a rage LRANGE key start stop LRANGE numbers 0 6 // Get from 0 to 6
LRANGE numbers 0 -1 // Get all data
Remove Element form list LREM key count value LREM numbers 0 23  // Remove all
LREM numbers -1 23 // Remove one from right side
LREM numbers 1 23 // Remove one from left side
Set the value by idex LSET key index value LSET numbers 1 20
RPOP form source and LPUSH to destination RPOPLPUSH source destination RPOPLPUSH numbers new
Append data to list right side only if the list exists RPUSHX key value RPUSHX numbers 333


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