Functions of python string. Python capitalize(), lower(), upper(), count(), replace(), strip(), split() functions of strings.
Method | Description | Example |
capitalize() | It converts the first character of the string to upper case | txt.capitalize() |
casefold() | casefold method converts the string into lower case | txt.casefold() |
lower() | Used to Converts a string into lower case | txt.lower() |
title() | The first characters of all words will be upper case | txt.title() |
upper() | All characters will be converted to upper case. | txt.upper() |
swapcase() | The lower case will be the upper case and the Upper case will be lower case | txt.swapcase() |
format() | Used to formats specified values in a string | txt = "Product Priice is {price:.2f} tk." txt.format(price = 49.23423) |
join() | Create a string from an iterable | txt = ["Hello", "World"] message = " ".join(txt) |
replace() | Used to replace a value with another value | txt.replace("is", "are") |
count() | This is used to get the number of times a specified value occurs in the string | txt.count("is") |
find() | Used to search a value in the string. It returns the position. | txt.find("welcome") |
index() | Used to search find the index of a value in a string | txt.index("welcome") |
rfind() | Used to return the last position of where the value is found. | txt.rfind("casa") |
rindex() | Used to return the last position of where the value is found. | txt.rindex("are") |
isalnum() | Check if all characters are alphabet or numeric | txt.isalnum() |
isalpha() | Check if all characters are in the alphabet | txt.isalpha() |
isdecimal() | Check if all characters are decimals | txt.isdecimal() |
isdigit() | Check if all characters are digits | txt.isdigit() |
islower() | Check if all characters are lower case | txt.islower() |
isnumeric() | Check if all characters are numeric | txt.isnumeric() |
isspace() | Check if all characters are whitespaces | txt.isspace() |
istitle() | Check if words start with Upper case | txt.istitle() |
isupper() | Check if all characters are upper case | txt.isupper() |
startswith() | Check if a string starts with the specified value | txt.startswith("Welcome") |
endswith() | Returns true if the string ends with the given value passed as a parameter. | txt.endswith(".") |
center() | This function is used to center a string |,, "*") |
ljust() | Used to Return a left justified version of the string | txt.ljust(20), txt.ljust(20, "*") |
rjust() | Used to create right justified version of a string | txt.rjust(20), txt.rjust(20, "*") |
zfill() | Fills with 0 values at the beginning of the string with a specified number. | txt.zfill(10) |
strip() | Trim the string | txt.strip() |
lstrip() | Used to trim left side of the string | txt.lstrip() |
rstrip() | Used to trim right side of the string | txt.rstrip() |
split() | Create list from a string at the specified separator | txt = "a,b,c" x = txt.split(",") |
splitlines() | Create list from s string at line breaks | txt = """Hello boys. How are you? I am fine""" x = txt.splitlines() |
partition() | Create a tuple where the string is parted into three parts | txt = "Welcome to ArtofCSE" txt.partition("to") |
a = "Bangladesh is my country"
print(a.replace("is", "are"))
l = a.split(' ')
Bangladesh is my country
bangladesh is my country
Bangladesh are my country
Bangladesh is my country