There are mainly three sections in this course. At the beginning of the course, I will show you the use of Object-Oriented Programming in PHP after that I will show you some important design patterns and finally show you some common coding principles.
Object-Oriented PHP:
- What is OOP
- Composer
- Class and Object
- Properties and Methods
- The this keyword
- instanceof operator
- Constructor and Destructor
- Inheritance
- Multilevel Inheritance
- Access Modifiers
- Method Overriding
- Constructor Overriding
- Constant
- Static Methods and Properties
- Interface
- Abstract Class
- Trait
- Namespace
Design Patterns:
- What is Design Patterns
- Types of Design Patterns
- Singleton pattern
- Factory Pattern
- Observer pattern
- Adapter Pattern
- Builder Pattern
- Facade Pattern
- Proxy Pattern
- Strategy Pattern
Coding Principles:
- SOLID Principles
- DRY Principle
- KISS Principle